Successful completion of Designing Interactive Systems Capstone Project “Future of Work@EnBW”

  • Date: 09.09.2021
  • The end of the semester also marks the successful completion of this year’s Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) Capstone project, which was conducted virtually as part of the DIS master lecture. 18 students worked on a real-world challenge provided by our industry partner EnBW.


    The students analysed the current situation as well as possible solutions for the future of work and designed innovative prototypes based on the lecture content. Students did not only gain hands-on experience with various prototyping tools, but also showed their project management and collaboration skills. The results of all four groups were well-received during the final presentations, and lead to interesting discussions about the future working place at EnBW.


    For a detailed insight into the students work, you can watch the videos of all prototypes on our Youtube-Channel.