Representation at ICIS
- Date: 13.10.2021
The research groups of Professors Mädche, Satzger, Weinhardt (IISM) and Sunyaev (AIFB) will be represented with a total of 10 papers at the "International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)", which will take place in Austin, Texas in December 2021. Congratulations to all authors!
Chandra Kruse, L., Seidel, S., and Maedche, A.:
Levels of Digital Representation: Semiotics and the Articulation of Meaning
Grisold, T., Gau, M., and Yoo, Y.:
Coding Like a Rockstar: The Role of Social Influence on Action Patterns in GitHub
Haug, S. and Maedche, A.:
Crowd-Feedback in Information Systems Development: A State-of-the-Art Review
Heines, R., Kannengießer, N., Sturm, B., Jung, R., Sunyaev, A.:
Need for Change: Business Functions Affected by the Use of Decentralized Information Systems
Jussupow, E., Meza Martinez, M. A. , Maedche, A., and Heinzl, A.:
Is This System Biased? – How Users React to Gender Bias in an Explainable AI System
Peukert, C., Brossok, F., Adam, M.T.P.:
Towards Designing Live 360° Virtual Tours
Renner, M., Lins, S., Söllner, M., Thiebes, S., Sunyaev, A.:
Achieving Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence: Multi-Source Trust Transfer in Artificial Intelligence-capable Technology
Seiffer, A., Gnewuch, U., and Maedche, A.:
Understanding Employee Responses to Software Robots: A Systematic Literature Review
Staudt, P., Greif-Winzrieth, A., Nieken, P.:
Increasing Contributions to Sustainable Projects through Digital Nudges Amplifying Social Comparison
Wambsganss, T., Engel, C., Fromm, H.
Improving Explainability and Accuracy through Feature Engineering: A Taxonomy of Features in NLP-based Machine Learning