Foundations of Interactive Systems: B.Sc. Lecture
- Date: 04.05.2023
The B.Sc. lecture “Foundations of Interactive Systems” is targeted at bachelor students who are interested in the design of successful human-computer interaction in business and private life. It introduces key concepts and principles of interactive systems from a human and computer perspective. It also describes core human-centered design processes for interactive systems and provides insights into the use & contexts of interactive systems in business and society. The course is complemented by a design capstone project, where students work in teams and apply design methods & techniques to create an interactive prototype for a given challenge. For SS2023, the capstone project focuses on leveraging the capabilities of large language models such as ChatGPT and designing a new writing assistant feature that supports writing an email, a thesis, a journal entry, or any other writing task that the course participants come up with. The next lecture will be offered on May 2nd, Tuesday at 9:45 am at “Sitzungssaal” R223 (Build. 10.11), click here to go to the ILIAS Folder.