Successful Completion of the Designing Interactive Systems Capstone Project with EnBW 

  • Date: 08.07.2024
  • Last week we had the pleasure to visit the EnBW headquarter and attend to the final presentations of this year’s Designing Interactive Systems: Human-AI interaction (DIS) capstone project. The project was conducted as part of the DIS master lecture offered by Prof. Mädche and Julia Seitz and carried out in cooperation with EnBW.  


    Over a period of three months, 38 students worked in teams on a real-world challenge provided by our industry partner EnBW. The overall goal and topic of this year’s project was to create innovative design solutions for generative AI-based assistants that support customers of EnBW. The results of all eight groups were well-received by the EnBW topic owners Christian Wendrock-Prechtl and Achim Reuther, as well as the lecture team. The resulting screencams will be made available via Youtube in August. 


    We want to thank all students and our partners from EnBW involved in this exciting project!