Visit and Talk on ”Biosignal-Adaptive Systems for Remote Meetings” at the UCL Interaction Centre in London
- Date: 20.02.2025
Prof. Maedche gave a talk on February 18th, 2025 at the University College London Interaction Centre (UCLIC) on Biosignal-Adaptive Systems with a particular focus on supporting remote meetings. Remote meetings as a modern way of work are widespread due to distributed team setups. While there are various benefits in terms of time savings, reduced travel costs and emissions, there are also negative outcomes such as a lack of engagement or increased fatigue. Biosignal-adaptive systems that dynamically adapt to users represent a promising solution to improve remote meetings. As part of this talk, Prof. Maedche presented selected results from research about this exciting topic carried out within the DFG-funded graduate school KD2School and the KIT Future Field III project on Hybrid Adaptive Systems.
Further information on the talk is available here:
https://www.ucl.ac.uk/uclic/events/2025/feb/designing-biosignal-adaptive-systems-remote-meetings and on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPWSoPD9r6Q