Participation at ICIS 2018
- Date: 16.10.2018
The ISE research group will be present at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2018 in San Francisco, USA with 8 accepted conference and workshop publications in the fields of digital experience & participation, electronic markets & user behavior, smart grids & energy markets and IS engineering & transformation. Furthermore, Peyman Toreini was accepted to participate in the ICIS Doctoral Consortium in order to present his PhD project „Designing Attention-Aware Business Intelligence and Analytics Dashboards”. Finally, Stefan Morana and Alexander Maedche will give a TREO talk with the title „AI-Enabled User Assistance: Designing Human-Intelligent System Cooperation“.
Full Research Papers
- Philipp Staudt, Yannick Träris, Benjamin Rausch, and Christof Weinhardt (2018). Predicting Redispatch in the German Electricity Market using Information Systems based on Machine Learning.
- Dominik Jung and Christof Weinhardt (2018). Robo-Advisors and Financial Decision Inertia: How Choice Architecture Helps to Reduce Inertia in Financial Planning Tools.
- Anna-Maria Seeger, Jella Pfeiffer, and Armin Heinzl (2018). Designing Anthropomorphic Conversational Agents: Development and Empirical Evaluation of a Design Framework.
Short Papers
- Dominik Augenstein, Christian Fleig, and Dominik Dellermann (2018). Towards Value Proposition Mining –Exploration of Design Principles.
- Xuanhui Liu, Karl Werder, and Yian Zhao (2018). The Role of Cultural Differences when Using Different Classifications: An Experiment Design for Design Technique Selection
- Christian Peukert, Marc Adam, Florian Hawlitschek, Sina Helming, Ewa Lux, and Timm Teubner (2018). Knowing Me, Knowing You: Biosignals and Trust in the Surveillance Economy.
Workshop Papers
- Ulrich Genwuch, Stefan Morana, Marc Adam, and Alexander Maedche (2018). The Chatbot is typing...” – The Role of Typing Indicators in Human-Chatbot Interaction. Pre-ICIS SIG-HCI Workshop.
- Peyman Toreini, Ivo Benke, Moritz Langner, Sebastian Schaum, Jonathan Schwarzenböck, Christoph Bamberger, and Alexander Maedche (2018). Enhancing Joint Attention in Collaborative Information Dashboards with Shared Gaze Awareness, Pre-ICIS SIG-HCI Workshop.
For further information feel free to directly contact the authors.