Participation at Mensch und Computer 2022
- Date: 16.09.2022
The research group of Prof. Mädche was present at the Mensch und Computer 2022 Conference in Darmstadt with several papers.
Further information:
Gau, M.; Greif-Winzrieth, A.; Maedche, A. (2022). Leveraging Digital Citizen Science for Research Problem Discovery: Insights from a Home Office Challenge Participatory Action. In: Mensch und Computer 2022 – Workshop Proceedings.
Liu, S.; Toreini, P.; Maedche, A. (2022). Designing Gaze-Aware Attention Feedback for Learning in Mixed Reality.
In: Mensch und Computer 2022 ProceedingsKrüger, A. E.; Brandenburg, S.; Langner, M.; Burmester, M.
(2022). UUX (+ X) in der Praxis: Bedürfnisse und Werte für Unternehmen nutzbar machen. In: Mensch und Computer 2022 – Workshop Proceedings.Hanschmann, L.; Gnewuch, U.; Mädche, A. (2022). BotOrNot: A Platform for Conducting Experiments with Undisclosed Chat Agents. In: Mensch und Computer 2022 Proceedings.