Podcast Digital Impact “Successfully integrating usability and UX”
- Date: 13.02.2025
We recently contributed to a podcast about successfully integrating usability and UX into organizations and developing user-centered digital products. Host Sarah Stock, Janina Kouvaris, the managing director of UIG e.V., UX design strategist Doro Sthamer and Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche, talk about this topic in this episode of the Digital Impact podcast of netzstrategen GmbH. The podcast contains concrete tips for companies and how UIG e.V. supports companies in integrating usability and UX into projects with initiatives such as https://nutzerzentriert-entwickelt.de/ right from the start.
The podcast is available here: https://netzstrategen.com/podcasts/usability-und-ux-erfolgreich-integrieren