Successful PhD defense by Moritz Langner 

Successful PhD defense by Moritz Langner 

  • Date: 12.03.2025
  • Moritz Langner successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Gaze-adaptive LLM-based Reading and Writing Assistants“ on March 10th 2025. His work contributes to the human-computer interaction body of knowledge by providing empirical evidence on the feasibility of eye-based cognitive state recognition and designing gaze-adaptive LLM-based assistants. The thesis project was carried in association with the DFG-funded KD2School (


    He convinced the examination committee TT-Prof. Johannes Bracher, Prof. Ann-Kristin Kupfer, Prof. Alexander Mädche, and Prof. Alexey Vinel with his research. We congratulate Moritz for his successful defense!